what is the passive house ?
If you live in an old house, a cold, windyday often means layering on an extra sweater, checking the thermostat to makesure the heat's really on, and maybe even an argument or two with your roomieover who keeps turning the heat up (or down). Even modern homes can besusceptible to warm and cold spots, with upstairs bedrooms becominguncomfortably toasty and first-floor spaces losing heat to high ceilings ordrafty fireplaces.
In fact, there's no thermostat at all,because a passive house maintains its comfy conditions without a conventionalfurnace, boiler or HVAC system. So what exactly is a passive house and how isit different from a traditional home or other alternatively powered homes?
A passive house is one in which acomfortable interior climate can be maintained without active heating andcooling systems [source: Passivhaus Institut].
While other houses might employ a passivesolar design or use alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power tominimize their environmental impact, the passive house is a specific certifiedbuilding standard conceived and upheld by the Passivhaus Institut in Germany.
characteristics of a pssive house include the following :
Characteristics of a passive house include the following:
• Heavy insulation: Themost important component of a passive house is a layer of highly efficientinsulation that wraps continuously around the building envelope -- even beneaththe concrete slab in the basement -- reducing heat transfer between indoor andoutdoor spaces
• 高隔热:被动式住宅最重要的组成部分是一层高效的隔热层,它连续包裹在建筑围护结构周围——甚至在地下室的混凝土板下——减少室内外空间之间的热量传递
• Design without thermalbridges: The heated air inside a house will follow the path of least resistanceto the outside of the house, known as a "thermal bridge."Conventional homes offer plenty of them, in the form of inefficient windows,poorly insulated walls or cracks under doors, but passive house designeliminates them through superior insulation and efficient windows and doors.
• 没有热桥的设计:室内的加热空气将沿着阻力最小的路径通向室外,被称为“热桥”。传统的房屋以低效的窗户、绝缘差的墙壁或门下的裂缝的形式提供了大量的这些问题,但被动式房屋的设计通过优越的绝缘和高效的门窗消除了这些问题。
• Airtight construction:Passive houses feature airtight construction to prevent moist room air (orhumid outside air, in warmer climates) from penetrating into the home'sconstruction where it can cause mold, affect inside air quality and evenstructural damage.
• 密封结构:被动式房屋采用密封结构,以防止潮湿的室内空气(或温暖气候下潮湿的室外空气)渗透到房屋建筑中,从而导致霉菌,影响室内空气质量,甚至结构损坏。
• Ventilation: Anotherimportant component of passive house design is its efficient centralventilation system, which continually exchanges moist, "polluted"inside air for fresh, filtered outside air to maintain a comfortable,consistent temperature and humidity level.
• 通风:被动式房屋设计的另一个重要组成部分是其高效的中央通风系统,它不断地将潮湿的、“受污染的”室内空气交换为新鲜的、经过过滤的室外空气,以保持舒适、一致的温度和湿度水平。
• Passive heating technology: Perhaps the most ingenious part of the passive house concept is itsability to heat (or cool) the inside spaces with nothing but fresh exteriorair. As fresh, cold air enters the house through the ventilation system, it isheated by the warm air it passes on its way out.
• 被动式供暖技术:被动式住宅概念中最巧妙的部分可能是,它能够只利用室外新鲜空气来加热(或冷却)室内空间。当新鲜的冷空气通过通风系统进入房屋时,它在出去时被暖空气加热。
• High-efficiency windows:Efficient windows are essential to the passive house design. The specificwindows used vary from climate to climate, but triple-paned windows with low-eglazing, argon gas and insulated frames are common.
• 高效的窗户:高效的窗户对被动式房屋设计至关重要。具体的窗户使用不同的气候,但三窗格的低e玻璃,氩气和绝缘框架是常见的。
• Passive solar gains:Passive solar gain -- that is, the good old warmth of the sun -- is the primarysource of heat for a passive house, so the situation of the home on the lot andthe size and position of windows are important factors.
• 被动式太阳能增益:被动式太阳能增益——即太阳的温暖——是被动式房屋的主要热量来源,因此住宅在场地上的位置、窗户的大小和位置都是重要因素。
certification standards
Meeting Certification Standards
A building needs to meet a long list ofrequirements relating to its air tightness, energy efficiency and constructionstandards before it can be considered a passive house.
To be certified by the Passivhaus Institutin Darmstadt, Germany, a passive house must consume less than 15 kilowatt-hoursof electricity per square meter per year for its heating and cooling, withtotal energy consumption for all heat, hot water and household electricity thatdoesn't exceed 120 kilowatt-hours per square meter per year [source: PassivhausInstitut].
In addition to awarding its "QualityApproved Passive House" certificate to qualifying homes, the PassivhausInstitut offers a "Certified Passive House Designer" certificate toindividual architects, builders, engineers and others who pass an examinationor complete an approved passive house construction project.
In a passive house, the building itself andits mechanical systems are treated as one single, overall system. To helpmaintain the necessary balance in the system between hot and cold, and betweenstale air and fresh, architects and engineers use a sophisticated softwareprogram to design passive homes and determine their projected energy usage.
The software helps to determine everythingfrom the optimal size and location of windows and the recommended capacity forthe ventilation system, to suggestions for minimizing construction costswithout compromising quality or efficiency.
Despite the high standards required forpassive house certification, most conventional houses can be remodeled toachieve passive house status by making improvements to the insulation and airtightness, replacing existing windows with high-efficiency windows, andmodifying the existing duct work to accommodate the passive house system ofheat recovery from exhaust air
So are passive houses worth the effort? Bymost estimates, all these stringent requirements, tests and certifications payoff in a big way: Passive homes provide an average energy savings of 90 percentover conventional homes and up to 80 percent compared to homes built to modernEuropean standards for energy consumption
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